The Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering is in a continuous adaptation and understanding of the trends brought by the industrial change and, through the bachelor's / master's / doctoral study programs it coordinates, it is ready to implement the paradigm of cooperation and interaction between people and machines. / robots specific to the concepts of Industry 5.0.

The dean's message
The Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering prepares students (future engineers) for fields of great economic importance: manufacture, operation and maintenance of oil and petrochemical equipment, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons, systems engineering (automation), computers, electronics, engineering and management, electromechanics, product design.
For the Romanian industry, in general, and for the industry in Prahova, in particular, the EME faculty represents a provider center of valuable specialists who contribute to their scientific and technological progress. Also, the graduates of the faculty are met today on all the meridians of the world and hold both executive and management positions and are highly appreciated. Many graduates have become important and recognized personalities in education, research, design but also in the social and political fields.
The valuable teachers, the achievements in the field of scientific research and the endowments at their disposal, are the guarantee that, in the future, the faculty will prepare specialists to face with professionalism the challenges of the national and international economic environment.
I invite you, dear high school graduates, to continue your preparation for one of the specializations coordinated by the EME Faculty and, in this way, after graduation, to join the names of those of many specialists who have completed the courses of this faculty.
The Institute of Oil and Gas, an institution of higher technical education unique in Romania, was founded in Bucharest in 1948 (according to Decree no. 175/1948 for the education reform, published in the Official Gazette no. 249 / 26.10.1948) and consisted of two faculties: the Faculty of Drilling-Production (currently - Faculty of Petroleum and Gas Engineering) and the Faculty of Crude Oil Processing (currently, the Faculty of Petroleum Technology and Petrochemistry). In the period 1950-1957, the two faculties were joined by the Faculty of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment (currently the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering), the Faculty of Economics and Organization of the Petroleum Industry (it was established in 1950 and operated until 1958) and the Faculty of Technical Geology (established in 1950 under the name of the Faculty of Geology of Oil and Gas Deposits and expanded after the transfer in 1957 of the Faculty of Geology from the Institute of Geology and Mining Technology in Bucharest). In 1973, by Decree no. 702 / 28.12.1973 at the State Council it is provided that the Ploiești Petroleum Institute is unified with I.P.G.G. Bucharest under the name of the Ploiești Oil and Gas Institute (I.P.G. Ploiești).
The name University of Ploieşti became official by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science no. 5590 / 6.07.1992, and then the “Oil - Gas” University of Ploieşti (name became official by the Romanian Government Decision no. 458/1994) and finally the Oil - Gas University of Ploieşti (name became official by the Romanian Government Decision no. 23 of 11.01.2001).
We can consider the academic year 1950-1951, the year of establishment of mechanical engineering education, so the year of establishment of the Faculty of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment is 1951. The Faculty of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment was the first faculty to move to Ploiești. It started it's activity in the academic year 1967 -1968 with the first year of the Faculty of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment. According to HCM no. 2364 of 1967, by which the Faculty of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment was moved to Ploiești, the students enrolled at IPGG Bucharest continued their studies until graduation in Bucharest, and the students enrolled in the academic year 1967-1968 started their studies in Ploiești , within the newly established Petroleum Institute.
Since its establishment, the EMI faculty has changed its name several times:
-between 1952 and 1975 - Faculty of Petroleum Machinery and Equipment (MUP);
-between 1975 and 1986 - Faculty of Technological Equipment (UT);
-between 1986 and 1990 - Faculty of Petroleum Equipment and Technology (UTP);
-since 1990 and now - Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (EMI).
Faculty leadership
Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.Bădicioiu Marius
Phone: +40 244 575485
Vice Dean
Lect. Ph.D. Ramadan Ibrahim Naim
Tel: +40 244 575485
Vice Dean
Lect. Ph.D. Florin-Ștefan Zamfir
Tel: +40 244 575485
Registrar's office program:
Monday untill Thursday between 11:30 - 13:30 and 15:00 - 16:00
Friday between 11:30 - 13:30
Secretary Elena Roibu
Phone : +40 244 75485 or +40 244 573171/int.107
Secretary Nicoleta Sîrbu
Phone : +40 244 575485 or +40 244 573171/int.107
Consultation hours-Dean
Thuesday și Thursday - between 11:00 - 13:00
Friday between 10:00 - 13:00
Faculty Council
Prof.Ph.D. Bădoiu Dorin George
Prof.Ph.D. Cangea Otilia
Prof.Ph.D. Dumitrescu Andrei
Prof.Ph.D. Minescu Mihail
Prof.Ph.D. Nae Ion
Prof.Ph.D. Oprea Mihaela
Prof.Ph.D. Pătrăşcioiu Cristian
Prof.Ph.D. Petrescu Marius Gabriel
Prof.Ph.D. Rîpeanu Răzvan George
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Bădicioiu Marius
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Bucur Gabriela
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Călţaru Mihaela Mădălina
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Ianache Cornel
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Mihalache Sanda Florentina
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Neacşa Adrian
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Pricop Emil
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Stan Marius
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Zisopol Dragoş Gabriel
Assos.Prof. Ph.D. Diniţă Alin
Head of Works Ph.D. Bala Ştefan Radu
Head of Works Ph.D. Popescu Marian
Student Bălănescu Mihai Alexandru, II U.P.P.
Student Costea Tiberiu, II U.P.P.
Student Dinu Ion Georgian, III, CALC.
Student Drăghici Dorotheea Cleopatra, II EM
Student Firică Georgiana, II CALC.
Student Iordache Dragoş Alexandru, II A.I.A.
Student Mihăilescu Mihnea Mihai, I A.I.A.
Student Niţu Mihaela Andreea, II I.E.D.M.
Program Degrees
4 years / full-time education
- Petroleum and petrochemical equipment
Bachelor's degree - ELECTRICAL
4 years / full-time education
- Electromechanics
Bachelor's degree - SYSTEMS ENGINEERING
4 years / full-time education - part-time education
- Automation and applied informatics
4 years / full-time education
- Computers
4 years / full-time education - distance education
- Economic engineering in the mechanical field
1.5 years / full-time education
- Risk management and oil and petrochemical equipment reliability engineering
- Hydrocarbon transport and storage systems engineering
- Engineering of the optimal operation of the oil machine
1.5 years / IF
- Advanced automation
1.5 years / full-time education
- Engineering and production management of oil and petrochemical equipment
Doctoral program
Mechanical engineering field
- Prof.Ph.D. Răzvan-George Rîpeanu
- Prof.Ph.D. Alexandru Pupăzescu
- Prof.Ph.D. Ion Nae
- Prof.Ph.D. Cătălin Teodoroiu
- Prof.Ph.D. Nicolae Napoleon Antonescu
Domeniul Ingineria Sistemelor
- Prof.Ph.D. Nicolae Parasciv
- Prof.Ph.D. Mihaela Oprea
- Prof.Ph.D. Luminița Duţă
- Prof.Ph.D. Cristian Pătrăşcioiu
- Prof.Ph.D. Gabriel Rădulescu